It is common to experience pain after tooth extraction. Depending on the amount of trauma and the procedure done, the patient may experience pain, ranging from tolerable to severe, which may last for a few days or longer. Management of pain after tooth extraction by a dentist or oral surgeon usually consists of pain medications. What should you do to manage tooth pain after extraction? What are things to be done immediately after the procedure, 2 days after procedure and even 7 days after procedure
The pain after tooth extraction usually lasts for three days. However, the area may remain tender for a few more days. Dentists often warn patients not to use straw for drinking because this might pull out blood clots and bleeding may ensue. The dry sockets that remain when gums do not close right away may also leave a dull ache, which may last for at least a week.
Pain after tooth extraction may begin to be felt when the anesthesia effect wears off. To prevent this, one must take the first dose of pain killer before the numbness from the local anesthesia goes away. Ask the dentist for the exact time. However, you must eat some food before taking the medication to prevent stomach upset.
How to Speed Recovery after Tooth Extraction:
- Take prescribed painkillers.
- Reduce gum bleeding by biting on a gauze pad and allowing a clot to form in your tooth socket. Change gauze pads before they become soaked with blood and continue doing this for 3-4 hours.
- Reduce swelling by applying an ice bag to affected area for 10 minutes.
- Rest for the first 24 hours after extraction and limit activities for the next two days.
- Avoid rinsing and spitting forcefully to avoid clot dislodging from the socket.
- Rinse your mouth with saline solution made from half a teaspoon of salt and a glass of warm water.
- Do not use a straw for drinking for 24 hours.
- Avoid smoking.
- Eat soft or liquid foods, such as pudding, yogurt, soup, or applesauce after tooth extraction. Add solid foods gradually to your diet as gum heals.
- Use a pillow when lying down to reduce bleeding.
- Avoid the extraction site when brushing and flossing your teeth to prevent bleeding and infection.
Recovery after tooth extraction usually takes a few days. To minimize your discomfort, speedy recovery, and to reduce risk of infection you may :