Customizing Metal Dental Braces - Color Schemes / Fun Bracket Shapes / Gold Braces:
If you do decide to have your teeth straightened using traditional braces (wearing metal brackets and wires on the front side of your teeth), you should consider some of the different ways you can spiff them up or make them special. After all, if they're going to show, why not make them unique? Create some individuality. Have some fun.
How do you personalize metal dental braces?:
Here are some of the things you can do so your braces make a statement about you.
Choose a unique color scheme for your elastic bands-Show off your personality through the colors you choose for your braces.
Select brackets that have a fun shape- Your brackets can be stars, flowers or footballs, just to name a few.
Opt for gold dental braces-The color of gold can soften the appearance of your braces or give them an air of sophistication.
A) Elastic ties-You'll have a rainbow of colors to choose from:
You might choose bands that have a bright, or even fluorescent, color. Or, at the other extreme, pick white or ivory elastics that can help your braces blend in better with your smile.
Don't just pick a color, pick a color scheme:
When making a choice, don't overlook mixing and matching. After all, why just go with a single color when instead you can have a color scheme.
You can pick out a different color scheme every time:
Don't worry, no color decision is etched in stone. A patient's elastic ties are usually replaced during each appointment (usually every few weeks).
B) Fashion Brackets - Select Brackets that have fun shapes:
Another way patients can make their braces special is by choosing brackets that have a unique or distinctive outline. Here are some of the shapes that are available: Stars, Hearts, Soccer balls, Footballs, Flowers, Diamonds, Clubs and "Mickey".
Is treatment any different when fashion brackets are used?
When metal specialty brackets are placed, your treatment is just the same as with regular braces, with the exception that they're more fun to show off. In most cases, novelty brackets are only placed on a patient's center four or six upper front teeth because these are the only teeth that really show very much when a person smiles.
C) Gold Dental Braces:
Another way you can dress up plain-old metal braces is by choosing gold. Some people like gold because they feel it has a warmer look than stainless steel, and this helps their braces to blend in with their smile better. Other people choose gold braces because they like the appearance of the metal itself. They feel that its luster makes their braces standout, in the sense that they look more distinctive, or even reminiscent of fine-quality jewelry.
Before picking this option, ask your orthodontist to show you what your braces will look like. Gold can range from a deep yellow color to one that's very light and pale. Make sure you know which yours will be, and that you like it, beforehand.